Writer's Digest Poem-A-Day Challenge for April 2021

Thanks to Beth Cato’s poetry reading and interview on Todd Sullivan’s youtube channel, I learned about the Writer’s Digest Poem-A-Day Challenge, and now I’m itching to participate. (Fortunately for me, I only found out a few days before it begins, what luck!)

If you’ve perused much of my website, you’ll know that I love creativity challenges. In the past, I’ve created poetry, zines, video games, short stories, and more, and honestly, I’ll join just about any writing-related creativity challenge so long as I can fit it into my schedule. (Which reminds me, I also signed up to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo for April 2021, though that is to edit a pre-existing novel, not to write one from scratch.)

Much of my published poetry is based in reality/contemporary life, save for my Halloween-inspired poetry book Autumn Reveries, which includes fantasy elements. For this Poem-A-Day project, my plan is to write speculative fiction poems — something I’ve been meaning to take on ever since I joined the SFPA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association) late last year. I’m excited to get back to writing poetry, a love which I’d taken a break from over the past several months in order to work on novels that will be out sometime this year.

If you’re participating also, I’ll see you over there. :) I’ll be posting at least a poem or two of mine in the comments as a response to the daily prompts. As for the rest of the poems I’ll write in April, I’ll make it my mission to fiercely edit those and submit them to journals for publication.

Katie Rodante

Katie Rodante is a poet and writer obsessed with storytelling and creativity. Her books include Wreathbound, Autumn Reveries, Woodland Witch, and her upcoming novel Fangs and Frosting. When she isn’t writing, she can be found strumming her harp, practicing yoga, or playing games—video or tabletop, not the drama-between-characters kinds she writes in her books. She lives in sunny Dallas, Texas with her husband, two children, and a morkie named Hamphrey.


Monthly Favorites: March 2021


Book Recommendation: Wolves and Daggers by Melanie Karsak