Book Recommendation: Revelations by L.L. Wright

It's so hard to know what to write without giving away too much of the book, so I just want to say: I really, truly enjoyed this fun, fantastic debut.

The relationships were fascinating, and I appreciate that this book offered relationship dynamics that I don't recall reading in any other book--I just love it when I get to experience something new.

By the end of the novel, I was both satisfied (the mysteries of the story are explained cleverly) and wanting more. Hoping the next installment of the Blood Bound saga is out soon, 'cause I'll read it!

Katie Rodante

Katie Rodante is a poet and writer obsessed with storytelling and creativity. Her books include Wreathbound, Autumn Reveries, Woodland Witch, and her upcoming novel Fangs and Frosting. When she isn’t writing, she can be found strumming her harp, practicing yoga, or playing games—video or tabletop, not the drama-between-characters kinds she writes in her books. She lives in sunny Dallas, Texas with her husband, two children, and a morkie named Hamphrey.

Monthly Favorites: August 2020


What The Woods Hold