Bookstagram Story Templates - Currently Reading

Hi there! I LOVE sharing about my current reads on my Instagram stories (bookstagram hype!!) and so I designed a few templates in my current aesthetic (marble and a coppery/rose gold color). All of the templates I’ve made are below and free to use - feel free to download and use as many as you’d like, just please don’t remove my credit from the bottom. :) Thanks!

Currently Reading Bookstagram Templates

These templates are to share with your audience what you’re currently reading, and I’ve created two options:

  • one where you can share what you’re thinking about the book so far (be creative, it could be a series of emojis or a gif that encapsulates your enjoyment of what you’re reading)

  • one where you can share a book synopsis in addition to sharing your thoughts on the book so far

The big rectangle is where you can paste the book cover for the book you’re currently reading (which is super easy to add in Canva or the graphics program of your choice), plus you should be able to share a link to goodreads or storygraph by using the link function in Instagram stories, just in case your audience wants to check it out.

Hope you enjoy these! I find it’s fun to share about what I’m currently reading (and how far in if I can, either page number or percentage wise) because it encourages others to reply to my Instagram story with either excitement that I’m reading something they loved, or has folks asking for an update in my DMs once I get further into the book.

Just Finished Reading & TBR Bookstagram Templates

Okay, two more templates for you! These are for two purposes: 1) to highlight the book you’ve just finished reading plus your thoughts about the book, and 2) to let your audience know what you’ll be reading next and why you’re looking forward to it.

Just Finished Reading is a great way to shoutout a book (and author) that you enjoyed, and open a dialogue with your Instagram audience about the book.

Next up on my TBR is a template to help you share what you’ll be reading next and a little about your excitement to read it, which is fun too! It’s neat to know what others are reading next from their TBR (to be read) pile.

Hope you enjoy the templates!

For more posts on bookstagram, read these:

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Katie Rodante

Katie Rodante is a poet and writer obsessed with storytelling and creativity. Her books include Wreathbound, Autumn Reveries, Woodland Witch, and her upcoming novel Fangs and Frosting. When she isn’t writing, she can be found strumming her harp, practicing yoga, or playing games—video or tabletop, not the drama-between-characters kinds she writes in her books. She lives in sunny Dallas, Texas with her husband, two children, and a morkie named Hamphrey.

Bookstagram Story Templates — Reading Tracker


My 2021 Reading Bracket